2 oct 2012

And God said, "Let there be torchLIGHT"

And God said, "Let there be torchLIGHT": So this post has been a long time coming.  Working on Torchlight 2 has been an awesome experience, and i'm excited i finally get to show off some of the concept art, illustrations, pre-pro work and whatnot that I've worked on over the past 2.5 years.

A lot of these concepts are quick and dirty, and I haven't really cherry picked any concepts(except a few here and there), I decided to post the good and the bad stuff.  Some are unfinished or even unused and I have included some sketches here and there, but i still have a stack of about 300 pencil sketches that i don't feel like scanning.  Maybe i'll post a video later of me flipping through the mighty sketchbook.  I hope everyone enjoys them as much as i enjoyed drawing and painting them!  Oh yeah, all the good monster stuff is at the bottom.