World’s Colors in a Single Cubic Book: RGB Colorspace Atlas:
In the design business, having an original color tool could do wonders. We ran across these interesting looking 8 x 8 x 8-inch (20.3 x 20.3 x 20.3 cm) hard-back cubes presenting the RGB color scheme in a page-by-page medium and thought of sharing the idea further. Designed by American artist Tauba Auerbach, the RGB Colorspace Atlas is said to contain all the colors out there, each of them easy to reach by simply flipping the pages. According to the designer, the project was achieved in collaboration with designer Daniel E. Kelm and the books were bound by Daniel E. Kelm assisted by Leah Hughes at the Wide Awake Garage. The airbrushed cloth cover and page edges of the cube contribute to an effortless handling, despite the considerable dimensions of the item. We are still a bit puzzled regarding the printing process (how does one capture RGB using CMYK ?), but hope you guys will help us with an explanation. Aside from that, do you find the idea practical?
You're reading World’s Colors in a Single Cubic Book: RGB Colorspace Atlas originally posted on Freshome.