4 sept 2012

The Year of The Bike

The Year of The Bike:

It didn't show up in the Chinese Calendar but it did in mine; During this past year I've done more assignments involving bicycles than ever before. Besides illustrating the tongue-in-cheek Bike Snob column for Bicycling Magazine there's been other editorial, advertising and product design gigs about my favorite contraption (Sadly, I cannot show the products yet)
This piece was for the literary magazine El Malpensante, on a story about the author's fear of riding a bicycle even though he knew and dreamt about the joyous feeling of being on a bike

Oh, the shame of arriving last! Please don't clap... It feels even worse. Bike Snob / Bicycling Magazine

Dream bike = Custom bike. Bike Snob / Bicycling Magazine

Some tips for Americans who want to enjoy Le Tour de France a little bit closer. Bike Snob / Bicycling Magazine

Big cities, small cities, slowly transforming themselves into save and convenient places for riding!
Bike Snob / Bicycling Magazine

The previous spot for Bicycling triggered an advertising job for Cliff Bar. Silhouetted bicyclists? Yes, I can do that!

Nothing said "Keepin' it real!" like being a bike messenger in NYC back in the 90's!
Bike Snob / Bicycling Magazine

Is it time to retire from racing? Good bye carbon frame, hello old school! Bike Snob / Bicycling Magazine

Real city bikes aren't bought at a shop... They grow beneath you. Bike Snob / Bicycling Magazine

So many saddle choices, so little time to ride! Bike Snob / Bicycling Magazine