4 jul 2012

more cops

more cops:
I'm still working on the French book Burn Out. Have to finish it before November, so I reckon I gotta speed up things a tat.

Here's a drawing that I felt nudged me slightly in the right direction.

Here's what I'm fairly sure will be the final look of the book - or close to it.

Here's some more scatterbrained sketches I did whilst being on more dubious tangents.

Here's an Obsolete sketch I did for Michael Meier of ROTOPOL PRESS when I met him a few months back.
Really made me wanna do a medieval version of the whole comic.

Some seemingly random sketches.

A birthday card for a friend.

And in the end here; another one of my little brothers minecraft monuments. This time it's a hairy karate fella with double daggers, and inside him there's a whole house of armories, torture dungeons and toilets.

Also, I've recently decided to have more fun with drawing again. Not that I'm not having any fun now, it's just that most of the stuff I draw is either for some sorta project or rough sketches. I miss doing one page comics and illustrations in colors, just for the sake of doing them alone.
I recently saw on some blog or tumblr that some people have a so called 'fanart friday'. Besides the fact that it sounds a little too pep for me, and that I for some reason hate the word fanart, it's quite a decent idea. So I made a huge list of stuff I that want to make little tributes for, everything from films, comics, games, and so on. Haven't chosen which week day to do it in yet, maybe Monday.