This message is at the heart of my work and though it's a cliche, it is one I wish to spur on and truly believe in. I once read something like: 'Do what you love, because it's the only thing you will ever have enough motivation to actually get great at.'
EclecticBox Shared Items
3 may 2013
3 abr 2013
27 mar 2013
8 mar 2013
20 feb 2013
11 feb 2013
Franklin McMahon: "What I lose in accuracy I make up for in spontaneity"
Franklin McMahon: "What I lose in accuracy I make up for in spontaneity":
"My method of working is to draw directly wherever possible." said Franklin McMahon in an article in the April 1956 issue of American Artist magazine.

"I pick a point - usually a point closest to me in the scene I'm drawing. I begin at this point and work out. All other parts of the drawing take their place in relation to this point."

"I wait for the people to settle down or assume a characteristic pose and then draw them in."

"What I lose in accuracy I make up for in spontaneity, and there is a hoped-for reality (a feeling of being there) which I don't think can be achieved as well in any other way."

"All of these drawings were made directly in ink with no preliminary pencilling. There is no blocking in. The edge of the subject is almost traced out of the air."

"Sometimes I pencil-up the signs, lettering them in later at the studio."

"I am very much interested in design," McMahon continued. "I have a distinct feeling, however, that design, as we have come to know it, has become rather in-bred."

"Being primarily an illustrator-designer I found that my own personal corrective was to get out and look around - a return to first principles, so to speak. That is why I have welcomed these direct drawing assignments."

"In this sort of drawing the design grows out of the artist's work on the site and his interaction with the subject matter..."

"... rather than being superimposed later in the studio."

At this point in his career (the mid-1950s) McMahon worked with #4 brushes dipped in india ink on large sheets (20" x 25") of cover stock. He said, "I use this large sheet since I never know exactly, when I begin, just where the drawing is going to end!"

"The drawing is not blocked-in or planned in advance...

"... it just grows and the design continues to develop with it."

* More on Franklin McMahon tomorrow
"My method of working is to draw directly wherever possible." said Franklin McMahon in an article in the April 1956 issue of American Artist magazine.
"I pick a point - usually a point closest to me in the scene I'm drawing. I begin at this point and work out. All other parts of the drawing take their place in relation to this point."
"I wait for the people to settle down or assume a characteristic pose and then draw them in."
"What I lose in accuracy I make up for in spontaneity, and there is a hoped-for reality (a feeling of being there) which I don't think can be achieved as well in any other way."
"All of these drawings were made directly in ink with no preliminary pencilling. There is no blocking in. The edge of the subject is almost traced out of the air."
"Sometimes I pencil-up the signs, lettering them in later at the studio."
"I am very much interested in design," McMahon continued. "I have a distinct feeling, however, that design, as we have come to know it, has become rather in-bred."
"Being primarily an illustrator-designer I found that my own personal corrective was to get out and look around - a return to first principles, so to speak. That is why I have welcomed these direct drawing assignments."
"In this sort of drawing the design grows out of the artist's work on the site and his interaction with the subject matter..."
"... rather than being superimposed later in the studio."
At this point in his career (the mid-1950s) McMahon worked with #4 brushes dipped in india ink on large sheets (20" x 25") of cover stock. He said, "I use this large sheet since I never know exactly, when I begin, just where the drawing is going to end!"
"The drawing is not blocked-in or planned in advance...
"... it just grows and the design continues to develop with it."
* More on Franklin McMahon tomorrow
23 ene 2013
21 ene 2013
18 ene 2013
19 dic 2012
14 nov 2012
23 oct 2012
22 oct 2012
Bosque - Forest
Bosque - Forest:
Baobab estudio es un grupo de ilustradores que comparten espacio de trabajo en la ciudad de A Coru?a.
Baobab estudio is an illustrators group that share work space in Corunna city.
Baobab estudio is an illustrators group that share work space in Corunna city.
Creating Indoor Flower Terraces With I-pot Modular System by Supercake
Creating Indoor Flower Terraces With I-pot Modular System by Supercake:

We received photo and information about the I-pot modular system for creating flourishing terraced gardens indoors, designed by the creative team at Supercake, The vertical furniture system consists of lightweight and adjustable interlocking elements that can be set up separately or in groups to host large items like flower pots or tall books. I-pot also has several add-ons such as bags for plants, shelves, an aquarium for small fish, and lighting objects.

Adapting to the characteristics of each space, the I-pot modular system could be a great addition to a small room in need of a refreshing touch. We also believe it could do wonders on a terrace or in the balcony, helping you set up a miniature garden. How do you find this modular system in terms of design and functionality? Would you be interested in having it in your home? Where would you place it?

You're reading Creating Indoor Flower Terraces With I-pot Modular System by Supercake originally posted on Freshome.
The post Creating Indoor Flower Terraces With I-pot Modular System by Supercake appeared first on
We received photo and information about the I-pot modular system for creating flourishing terraced gardens indoors, designed by the creative team at Supercake, The vertical furniture system consists of lightweight and adjustable interlocking elements that can be set up separately or in groups to host large items like flower pots or tall books. I-pot also has several add-ons such as bags for plants, shelves, an aquarium for small fish, and lighting objects.
Adapting to the characteristics of each space, the I-pot modular system could be a great addition to a small room in need of a refreshing touch. We also believe it could do wonders on a terrace or in the balcony, helping you set up a miniature garden. How do you find this modular system in terms of design and functionality? Would you be interested in having it in your home? Where would you place it?
You're reading Creating Indoor Flower Terraces With I-pot Modular System by Supercake originally posted on Freshome.
The post Creating Indoor Flower Terraces With I-pot Modular System by Supercake appeared first on
Me siento invadiendo un poco su intimidad porque ordenan las cosas cuando llego.
Hacen montones, como hago yo cuando trato de ordenar mi mesa. Rechazo un café que me ofrece. Entonces se sienta, enciende un cigarro y se relaja.
Gesticula mucho cuando habla. Tiene unos ojos muy bonitos.
Montse está sentada a su lado. No habla mucho. Su sonrisa constante, casi tímida, me encanta.
Irma es una de las portavoces de los vecinos. Es del 15 M de la Macarena.
Comienza a contarme la historia completa de la Corrala.
Están contentas por el último logro de antes de ayer: Mas de cien personas se encerraron en la sucursal de IBERCAJA en La Ronda de Capuchinos y consiguieron una reunión con el banco para el próximo martes en la que estará presenta también el defensor del pueblo.
Acabo el dibujo de Montse. Irma me lleva a conocer a Manoli. Bajamos una planta.
En cuanto llego al piso me abraza una niña de unos siete años. Luego me pregunta: "Tú quien eres?"
Ella es Ainhoa. Vive con su abuela, Manoli, su padre y su tío es ese piso.
Está haciendo las tareas del cole. No se la ve con muchas ganas porque mientras dibujo a su abuela me pregunta muchas cosas.

Manoli habla muchísimo "¿Qué episodio de mi vida quieres que te cuente?" Se nota que éste que está viviendo ahora, es uno de muchos.
Manoli compró un piso junto a su hija y el banco acabó sacandolo a subasta por impago de la hipoteca. Me parece que conozco la historia antes de que me la cuente. He escuchado muchas como ésta en los últimos dos años. Se les acabó el trabajo y el dinero. Ellas a la calle. Manoli buscó abogados, gente que la pudiera ayudar y habló con los del 15 M.
"No se puede vivir con el miedo en el cuerpo. Todas las revoluciones han sido de la gente pobre. Somos más que ellos."
Vive rodeada de cajas de cartón y muebles que le han cedido unos y otros.
"Yo sé que este piso no es mío: No tengo papeles y en cualquier momento nos pueden echar de aquí, pero yo necesito un techo y un alquiler que poder pagar con mi pensión de 300 euros mensuales. Yo no pongo las cortinas en las ventanas hasta que no tenga los papeles en regla."
Viene una vecina y continúan hablando.
Cuando entraron en La Corrala, muchas de las tuberías estaban picadas por los mismos albañiles que las hicieron. Las contratas no habían recibido el dinero cuando la inmobiliaria quebró. Ellos han hecho arreglos para poder vivir allí. Tuvieron luz durante quince días, luego se la cortaron. Con el agua pasó igual. El ayuntamiento después les puso una fuente en la calle de detrás para lavar la imagen, es de risa.
Me despido de Manoli y de la familia. Agradezco su hospitalidad. La felicito por cómo es.
Bajo la escalera y voy hacia la fuente. Una familia entera llena varias botellas de cinco litros allí. Me apetece dibujarlos pero me da vergüenza hacerlo.
Son las ocho de la tarde y ya está oscuro.
En Sevilla trenta y seis familias viven en La Utopía.
Llamo a Elena y me dice que alguien bajará a mi encuentro.
Llega una chica. Es Irma. Me conduce a su piso en la tercera planta de uno de los edificios.
Seis tramos de escaleras y ya estamos.
Vive con Montse. Ambas son trabajadoras sociales, ahora en el paro.
Llega una chica. Es Irma. Me conduce a su piso en la tercera planta de uno de los edificios.
Seis tramos de escaleras y ya estamos.
Vive con Montse. Ambas son trabajadoras sociales, ahora en el paro.
Me siento invadiendo un poco su intimidad porque ordenan las cosas cuando llego.
Hacen montones, como hago yo cuando trato de ordenar mi mesa. Rechazo un café que me ofrece. Entonces se sienta, enciende un cigarro y se relaja.
Gesticula mucho cuando habla. Tiene unos ojos muy bonitos.
Montse está sentada a su lado. No habla mucho. Su sonrisa constante, casi tímida, me encanta.
Irma es una de las portavoces de los vecinos. Es del 15 M de la Macarena.
Comienza a contarme la historia completa de la Corrala.
Los vecinos del 15M de la Macarena decidieron comenzar la lucha por su cuenta y se organizaron para buscar un techo para vivir.
Conocían este edificio desde siempre. Estaba vacío cuando decidieron entrar en las viviendas hace ya seis meses. La inmobiliaria quebró con los pisos acabados.
"Todos los medios de comunicación, todo el mundo se puso de nuestro lado..." La noticia salió en los medios extranjeros.
Conocían este edificio desde siempre. Estaba vacío cuando decidieron entrar en las viviendas hace ya seis meses. La inmobiliaria quebró con los pisos acabados.
"Todos los medios de comunicación, todo el mundo se puso de nuestro lado..." La noticia salió en los medios extranjeros.
IBERCAJA compró las viviendas estando ellos ya dentro. Quieren conseguir negociar un alquiler social para las familias.
"Haber llegado hasta aquí ya es todo un logro. Siento que todo el mundo está de nuestra parte."
Acabo el dibujo de Montse. Irma me lleva a conocer a Manoli. Bajamos una planta.
En cuanto llego al piso me abraza una niña de unos siete años. Luego me pregunta: "Tú quien eres?"
Ella es Ainhoa. Vive con su abuela, Manoli, su padre y su tío es ese piso.
Está haciendo las tareas del cole. No se la ve con muchas ganas porque mientras dibujo a su abuela me pregunta muchas cosas.
Manoli habla muchísimo "¿Qué episodio de mi vida quieres que te cuente?" Se nota que éste que está viviendo ahora, es uno de muchos.
Manoli compró un piso junto a su hija y el banco acabó sacandolo a subasta por impago de la hipoteca. Me parece que conozco la historia antes de que me la cuente. He escuchado muchas como ésta en los últimos dos años. Se les acabó el trabajo y el dinero. Ellas a la calle. Manoli buscó abogados, gente que la pudiera ayudar y habló con los del 15 M.
"No se puede vivir con el miedo en el cuerpo. Todas las revoluciones han sido de la gente pobre. Somos más que ellos."
Vive rodeada de cajas de cartón y muebles que le han cedido unos y otros.
"Yo sé que este piso no es mío: No tengo papeles y en cualquier momento nos pueden echar de aquí, pero yo necesito un techo y un alquiler que poder pagar con mi pensión de 300 euros mensuales. Yo no pongo las cortinas en las ventanas hasta que no tenga los papeles en regla."
Viene una vecina y continúan hablando.
Me despido de Manoli y de la familia. Agradezco su hospitalidad. La felicito por cómo es.
Bajo la escalera y voy hacia la fuente. Una familia entera llena varias botellas de cinco litros allí. Me apetece dibujarlos pero me da vergüenza hacerlo.
En Sevilla trenta y seis familias viven en La Utopía.
TUTORIAL – Digital Painting – 001
TUTORIAL – Digital Painting – 001:
A brief 15 minute demo that describes the beginning steps of a painting. Brushes from the video found here
For Studio Demos, Freelance or Just to say Hi, Email me at!
A brief 15 minute demo that describes the beginning steps of a painting. Brushes from the video found here
For Studio Demos, Freelance or Just to say Hi, Email me at!
whats your secret to such appealing designs!?
whats your secret to such appealing designs!?:
I don’t have one…I don’t know! Here, look at some appealing design-y friends:
They are real good. I want to make a big post of everyone I know who inspires me, but have this baby one for now
edit: Also I just found this - Really really really cool.
edit2: Also, you should read books. Always
I don’t have one…I don’t know! Here, look at some appealing design-y friends:
They are real good. I want to make a big post of everyone I know who inspires me, but have this baby one for now
edit: Also I just found this - Really really really cool.
edit2: Also, you should read books. Always
Big news for WJC
Big news for WJC:
Big news for me posted on the Tank Girl FB feed this week. I will be getting the chance to work with Alan Martin himself, on an upcoming Tank Girl strip. Not much more to tell just yet, of course I will not stop banging on about it any chance i may get but here are a few pieces that I have done so far.
I'm very excited but this is a serious business. TG has a big old following and only few (high caliber) artists have followed the incomparable Jamie Hewlett (Jim Mahfood, Mick McMahon, Rufus Dayglo) so it's going to be a big old experience, looking forward to it.
Big news for me posted on the Tank Girl FB feed this week. I will be getting the chance to work with Alan Martin himself, on an upcoming Tank Girl strip. Not much more to tell just yet, of course I will not stop banging on about it any chance i may get but here are a few pieces that I have done so far.
I'm very excited but this is a serious business. TG has a big old following and only few (high caliber) artists have followed the incomparable Jamie Hewlett (Jim Mahfood, Mick McMahon, Rufus Dayglo) so it's going to be a big old experience, looking forward to it.
Project Giant, Trippel Trappel and more!
Project Giant, Trippel Trappel and more!:
Busy as usual, but here's a quick update on things!
Trippel Trappel
Well, pre-production has finally begun on the Dutch Feature Animation movie 'Trippel Trappel' at the Anikey Studio! I'm currently having a blast doing lots of visual development work for this movie, and what's even cooler is that I'm able to combine it with my themepark work on the Adventure World Warsaw project. Pretty darn cool!
Another big thing coming up is the recruiting event CTN in Los Angeles this november, and guess who's finally going! I'll be attending this awesome animation event together with friend and collegue Wouter Tulp, can't wait to meet you all there! They even created a cool profile of me at the CTN website , check it out here !
Ah, and then there's some new stuff I've been doing for my personal project, which I simply dubbed 'Giant' for the time being. Above paintings were meant as quick explorations regarding style and mood, aprox. 2 to 4 hours each. Oh, and kudos to friend and skilled jetpack builder Jeffrey for coming up with the logo!
I also updated my portfolio site, be sure to check it out!
Did you know I have an online sketchbook aswell? It's linked to my instagram account, and can be found here:
More stuff coming up!
Busy as usual, but here's a quick update on things!
Trippel Trappel
Well, pre-production has finally begun on the Dutch Feature Animation movie 'Trippel Trappel' at the Anikey Studio! I'm currently having a blast doing lots of visual development work for this movie, and what's even cooler is that I'm able to combine it with my themepark work on the Adventure World Warsaw project. Pretty darn cool!
Another big thing coming up is the recruiting event CTN in Los Angeles this november, and guess who's finally going! I'll be attending this awesome animation event together with friend and collegue Wouter Tulp, can't wait to meet you all there! They even created a cool profile of me at the CTN website , check it out here !
Ah, and then there's some new stuff I've been doing for my personal project, which I simply dubbed 'Giant' for the time being. Above paintings were meant as quick explorations regarding style and mood, aprox. 2 to 4 hours each. Oh, and kudos to friend and skilled jetpack builder Jeffrey for coming up with the logo!
I also updated my portfolio site, be sure to check it out!
Did you know I have an online sketchbook aswell? It's linked to my instagram account, and can be found here:
More stuff coming up!
Virtual Art Director
Virtual Art Director:
Björn Mes and Jeroen van de Merwe, from the Netherlands, made a free app based on this worksheet I did for Thumb War. Nice job, guys!
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